Americans and perfecting the art of being a kn000b
Firstly, the great mister H G Wells, an artist, a poineer, an expressionist, wrote an origional novel commmenting on sci-fi, human structure, human nature and universal hierachy (not to mention the imagery) in `War of the Worlds`... I saw the American version this evening, in which, rocket launchers and military fire power were of more effect on these supreme beings than the bacteria and micro-organisms as stateg by H G Wells.... I wonder if mister Spielberg actually understood the point of the book atal!?
This was more American assism which irritated me:
the teachings of George W. Bush (world's most powerful man)
- ``human activity, is at some extent to blame for carbon emissions``
- ``I will resist any deal which might reduce carbon emissions``
- ``I hope the G8 leaders will move past the Kyoto agreement`` (<- thing last decade to plan to cut carbon emissions ~ which everyone bar the US signed)
Agh, for goodnesssake, I jst hate mister Bish so much atm... there are sooooo many reasons he could and should cut down these emissions, and he's making it unfair on teh rest of the world. I supported him in Iraq, and was in favour of his re-election, but now, my support for him is wayning with the 02 proportions in the atmosphere!
too mad to post anything now, but if you're an American, get the hell of my blog!
At 12:07 AM,
Mark Tiddy said…
finally ben joins the hate bush bandwagon, he is a complete idiot (could of course use better words!) why doesn't he want poverty to be history? no reason he can give for not doing it is gonna be excepted, i think he just wants to show that he is wearing the trowsers (is that the phrase?)
(I didn't support him iraq, never thought there was cause for war)
At 8:40 AM,
Carl said…
He's more interested in treating the symptoms of climate change than the causes - which is stupid, because if there were no causes, there would be no symptoms!
And btw, HG Wells may have been great, but he was also strongly in favour of things like ethnic cleansing...
At 11:15 PM,
Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said…
Mark, of course i listened to it, my point I was raising (and I did say in the post) was that the film used grenades and rocket launchers and axes and tanks and army convoyes more than the book showed, which MISSED THE POINT in having the micro-organisms there. It's said that (amongst other things), the novel is a commentary on the proletarian bringinging down the machine of communism (thought I'm sure H G Wells wrote his novel before Karl Marx wrote his two cents)
carl, yer, H G Wells was a kn00b too, not that I know much about him.
Bush is a disgrace
mark, I don't think bush is an idiot by anymeans. and I certainly wont let my political standing be effected by a bandwagon of any sort. I think it's a disgrace how he's reacting to the G8 , well more irrisponsible than disgraceful. I also think it's much deeper than `trouser wearing`, the poor guy has to respresent his electorate, and he is.
At 9:56 PM,
Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said…
exactly (to the second bit)
and to the first, near the end, the grenades saved everyone's lives (in that basket thingy)
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