You Can't Teach and Old Church...
I shall be writing hithertoforthunsly to the Biship exclaiming my disgust on a number of accounts, thuslybelowmentioneddefinedlyhere:
* Drums kits in a church building... the CofE act of 2001 states very clearly God's transition from hating to accepting drum kits, but also clearly states a two cymbol limit for every one kit! We very clearly see an excess of cymbols littering the stage at such meetings.
* The congregation do not say the grace to one another at the end of meetings. This is tantemount to not `amen`ing a prayer - they void the entire meeting by their disregard of the words God told us to say to one another.
* The Vicar dresses in what can only be described as `ireverent` clothing. This is not appreciated, as it's very difficult to tell who is in charge and whom is favoured by God when there is no uniform to illustrate as much.
* The meetings seem decidedly disorderly. I should like to see with immediate effect a zero-tolerance stance on dancing, unapproved harmonies of songs, repeated choruses and jeans.
But saying that, I did see this on their web home page, which just goes to show, however mega-churchy they may think they are, they'll never shake the Anglican streak out of them!
At 7:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
HTB have gone their own way since about 1990 when they caught a touch of the vineyards from John Wimber. They were "touched" by a bit of Toronto too.
I believe they had special permission from the Bish to deviate from the normal Anglican service.
However, what you say aboutnever shaking the anglican streak from them is very true. I mean, they're just down the road from harrods for goodness sake.
At 5:06 PM,
Timothy V Reeves said…
Funnily enough I passed HTB only recently on my way to the Natural History Museum. I could have dropped in and given the good Rev Gumble your message. Failing that I could have blessed him with the "Foster Blessing" - that is, clapped his head between two surplus cymbols. Now that really would have sent him sprawling.
At 5:07 PM,
Timothy V Reeves said…
Hey, what's gives with this "Square peg" business?
At 6:17 PM,
Laura said…
started playing around with blog names, then i went to bed, guess that was last thing i tried. still a fan of the Benvolio's e-hyper domain space arena circus forum tho - complete with subquote from the Interpreter
At 8:18 PM,
Timothy V Reeves said…
Laurie? Ben? I'm getting a bit confused about gender here. I thought this was a well established politically incorrect zone!
At 8:58 PM,
Laura said…
Laura was last to log in with our personal home computing console unit and I'm too lazy to log out to comment on me, so I'm commenging as La
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