iBlog: Which is better: number 1? or number 2?. ...................... That's number 1.... and number 2...................


Tomorrow's blog today

Friday, August 28, 2009

Which is better: number 1? or number 2?. ...................... That's number 1.... and number 2...................

There's a website that I can't be bothered to link to that sells glasses cheaper than the highstreet but to sample the frames they post you them out to try in the comfort of your own home.
And so my brain and me thought it would be a nice idea to buy some rimless (lol) glasses but I had enough room to sample some of my long adored geek glasses. Now I'm torn as to which I prefer.
Rimless (lol) glasses look grown up but Buddy Holly/Vic Reeves/Eric Morcambles/David Helfgott glasses look infinately cooler.
What does your personal brain think?


La's not as keen as me on the latter.


  • At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Mark Tiddy said…

    there's something about the second ones that look distinctively you...not sure what!

  • At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you forgot to add thunderbirds "brains" to the list.... irony :-p


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