Seek and ye shall find [God]
If I wake up tomorrow and my La isn't there, I'd probably run franticly around the house looking under every cushion ringing her phone (which will undoubtedly have no battery!) and eventually collapse into a sobbing wreck if I think I'm never going to see or touch her again. The thought of never kissing her again, never tasting her cooking again, not hearing her nagging again, not emailing her at work and having her bring me lunch is petrifying, and I'd never be the same again.
but how long would it take me to notice if one day God disappeared?
I once heard `if you was a Christian, and Christianity became a crime, would the be enough evidence to convict you?`, well I'm thinking `If God were a lover, and one day the lover just disappeared, would there be enough evidence to notice they're missing?`. It's an odd thought, and two years ago I'd have said `by jellybean, I'm so holy I could notice a God in a haystack!`, but sometimes I don't even know whether the kingdom of Heaven is inside of me, let alone working out where I can find my omnipotent God!
I think I'll wake up tomorrow and hug La extra specially nicely, and make more of an effort to seek God in every tiny crevace of life.
[p,s - thanks for the comment Mark T]
At 11:31 AM,
Mark said…
No problem, comments are good ;)
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