Holy Spirit 'n' That
Worth a read me thinks.
Hopefully someone will comment who disagrees - would make an interesting debate me thinks.
I always feel a thread like that is quite unfair because everyone is asserting one another's PoV and there's no debate or devil's advocate.
At 9:39 PM,
Timothy V Reeves said…
Well Ben, unless you can persuade some of your mates like Tom Rawles, Shaun Humphries, Benny Hinn etc to join in you'll just have to try and make us much progress as you can without them. In fact, you might argue that the challenge is that much greater: that of being able detach yourself from emotional investment and anticipate contrary positions.
At 10:33 PM,
Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said…
contrary positions I can do quite well...
IMO, Mr Hinn, Mr Rawles and the Shaunies of Holies all demonstrate the same traits of spiritual immaturity... they all try and appease God enough to earn something better, whether it be more followers a bigger church or more power in the church.
My maxim is the last shall be first. I think if I learn to apply God to my life as a foundation rather than a seasoning, and show him in the menial loveless situations rather than on a stage or at the pulpit then I'll *get more of God* than glory hunting.
It's kind of the opposute of spiritual goal-hanging if you've ever played wembly singles
At 11:09 PM,
Paul said…
Wembley singles, what a memory!
Anyway, to be slightly devils advocate. I think it is really positive that part of the point of the conference is to view children as God sees them and partners in his mission. As a dad, that's fantastic as most churches view children as an irritant or add on at best.
You can then take your pick about the content/style of the conference....
At 2:28 PM,
Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said…
`children should be seen and not heard` Prov. 18:32
I see what you mean, Paul, but that doesn't qualify *teaching spiritual gifts* to pre-tweenagers.
Would you feel comfortable if Rhinana (Sp?) came home in three years thinking she could prophecy?
I'm not saying the gifts should be reserved for the SPiritually or theologicly elite, but I do think people earn responsibility through time.
But what do I know? I've been brought up in a charismatic circle so as far as I'm concerned, if these ankle-biters are spiritually sincere, then I beleive God will give them the strenth, discernment, pastoral care and wisdom to use the gifts wisely.
At 4:59 PM,
Paul said…
I see what you mean, Paul, but that doesn't qualify *teaching spiritual gifts* to pre-tweenagers.
- why not? Surely the Christian life is the supernatural life and therefore anyone participating in it should expect to experience something of the Supernatural?
Would you feel comfortable if Rhinana (Sp?) came home in three years thinking she could prophecy?
- yes, if she could
I'm not saying the gifts should be reserved for the SPiritually or theologicly elite, but I do think people earn responsibility through time.
- I disagree, the whole point is that they are gifts - "charisma", from charis which means grace - undeserved favour.
At 8:28 PM,
Laura said…
The word 'teaching' stood out to me - should God's gifts need to be taught? I always assumed they were things you were blessed with rather than taught???
At 11:31 PM,
Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said…
I agree with what you're saying which is why I tried to end my post by saying I don't disagree or disregard the whole thang, just it doens't sit right with the big dog (me).
Indeed, also why do Christians *pray* so hard for the gifts that are gifts.
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