iBlog: Dear Mr Acquisitions Department


Tomorrow's blog today

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dear Mr Acquisitions Department

Dear Mr Acquisitions Department

So dedvistated was I at reading the news that you dint like my poetry this afternoon, I've spent the last two days not eating or texting anybody! I have, however used this time to write some of my most moving poetries yet... Brace yourself because this is about to get transcendental!!!

The Rejection
By Mr Benvoilio McFosteron

Alak, alas, awoeeeeee!
Woe is the Great Benvoilio
He knows not which way to go...
Or which path to follow
It feels like wintery snow
and the barronness therewith associated

Rejected by critics who dunt know what they're talkin about
Who, like, prolly never broke a sweat
Or broke a rhyming pattern
But brake instead my heart.

Alak, alas, a woeeeee!

Please don't take offence at my slating of your reputation, I'm sure you know plenty about which that which that you are talking about.

If this is still not what you are looking to publish, let me know what you am into and I shall write a work therefor... I need to eat afterall! lol.

Yours sincerely

Mr Benvoilio Mc Fosterson

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