iBlog: April 2008


Tomorrow's blog today

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More proverbial loop things...

1) now the birds now appear to like our nuts from the feeder now :) especially bluetits

2) We have a car machine.

except the colour is `neveu` not red
it's called `Blahcar` btw (grin)

3) We sudden;y have opinions on vehicle and fuel tax

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Work is taking up a big part in my life atm...

... which explains the short and infrequent posts.

The same can be said of meringue.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Just keepin' y'all in the proverbial loop...

1) I back Obama

2) Birds don't seem to like the peanuts by our French doors

3) It's getting sunnier woo

4) I'm tired from working too early and too late

5) I REALLY love my wife

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Is Someone Getting the Best of You?

I remember a talk by a Youth Officer/Young Persons Operative/Adolescant Liaison Agent/Youth Worker Mark Tuma in Fridays many moons ago. In my day if you will.

The talk wasn't big but I remember this video being played and the question simply:
``Is God getting your best, or someone else?``

That thought has stayed with me for quite some time and I think of what's happened in life since said talk - I've ||: gotten job, gotten fired :|| ; moved out - thricefold ; gotten married (woo) and in all the other filler that life brings that demands the best of me, where does God fit in on my priorities??

I'm used to God just being there, kind of like a thumb. Always present, making life easier but how much do i stop and thing - wow thumb, you enable me to pick up a beer can or use a pen or vote on hit miss or maybe?? See appendix 1.

Maybe that's why it's easy to give everything else my best - because God is so constant and unfickle, and he wont tell me off like my manager if I don't work hard for Him.

But the internecine paradox betwixt the world, God and me is that if I gave God more of me, then the other stuff I seem to think requires soo much exhaustion would fade into insignificance as it is sorted by Him. Maybe that's what faith am like...

A timely reminder, children. A timely reminder.

